Rossland Sustainability Commission Task Forces

The Task Forces are appointed to address the Sustainability Plan Focus areas prioritized by the council. Task Forces are guided by a number of key documents and protocols, these include the Sustainabiltiy Commission Bylaw (approved by council 2009), the Sustainability Commission Communications Plan and Principles and Protocols (developed by the Commission in 2009), and the Task Force Terms of Reference (approval by City in 2010).

Energy Task Force
Foodie Task Force

1. Committee Purpose:

1.1. The Energy Task Force is established by the Sustainability Commission to plan and make recommendations regarding the implementation of the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan relative to Energy.

2. Duties:

Relative to Energy as described in the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan, the Task Force will:

2.1. Compile and analyze information associated with Energy, identify issues that need to be addressed and develop recommendations for discussion and endorsement at the Sustainability Commission table for presentation to Council.

2.2. If appropriate, identify funding opportunities associated with the issues that need to be addressed, participate in regional organizations that are addressing similar
issues, and take action.

2.3. Engage with the community to obtain and provide information with regard to Energy and promote broad community participation in Energy initiatives.

3. Membership & Term:

3.1. The Task Force will consist of four or more voting members:

3.1.1. Two or more professionals or persons with specific qualifications pertinent to the issues to be addressed; and
3.1.2. Two or more community representatives.

3.2. One appropriate City staff person may participate as a non-voting member.

3.3. Additional Task Force members may be added through the majority vote or consensus of Task Force members.

3.4. The Task Force Chair will be appointed by the Sustainability Commission or Task Force members.

3.5. The Task Force Chair, once appointed, will be a member of the Sustainability Commission.

3.6. Members may remain on the Task Force as long as they are able and willing, up to four years, unless removed and replaced by the Sustainability Commission.

3.7. A Task Force member who misses two meetings without notice ceases to be a member of a Task Force.

3.8. The Sustainability Commission has the authority to remove Task Force members in accordance with the Sustainability Commission Principles and Protocols and dissolve a Task Force if it has completed its work or is non-functional.

4. Operations of the Committee:

4.1. The Energy Task Force will meet as often as is required to fulfill their duties, and will lead an accountable, participatory process, providing an opportunity for a broad cross- section of Rosslander’s to participate.

4.2. Meeting Agendas will be prepared by the Task Force Chair.

4.3. The Chair is responsible for maintaining a record of the meeting and actions of the Task Force.

4.4. The Energy Task Force will operate on a consensus or majority vote decision- making model agreed upon by Task Force members.

4.5. Task Forces must function in accordance with the Sustainability Commission Principles and Protocols.

5. Authority:

5.1. The Task Force has the authority to make recommendations to the Sustainability Commission on anything related to the implementation of the Energy and Air Quality Focus Area as described in the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan.

5.2. The Task Force has the authority to host public meetings or receive delegations.

5.3. The Task Force does not have the authority to in debt the City to any financial commitments.

5.4. Task Forces have the authority to recommend changes to the Sustainability Commission with respect to the Task Force duties contained in their Terms of Reference.

1. Committee Purpose:

1.1. The Community Economic Development Task Force is established by the Sustainability Commission to plan and make recommendations regarding the implementation of the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan relative to Community Economic Development.

2. Duties:

Relative to Community Economic Development as described in the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan, the Task Force will:

2.1. Compile and analyze information associated with Community Economic Development, identify issues that need to be addressed and develop recommendations for discussion and endorsement at the Sustainability Commission table for presentation to Council.

2.2. If appropriate, identify funding opportunities associated with the issues that need to be addressed, participate in regional organizations that are addressing similar
issues, and take action.

2.3. Engage with the community to obtain and provide information with regard to Community Economic Development and promote broad community participation in Community Economic Development initiatives.

3. Membership & Term:

3.1. The Task Force will consist of four or more voting members:

3.1.1. Two or more professionals or persons with specific qualifications pertinent to the issues to be addressed; and

3.1.2. Two or more community representatives.

3.2. One appropriate City staff person may participate as a non-voting member.

3.3. Additional Task Force members may be added through the majority vote or consensus of Task Force members.

3.4. The Task Force Chair will be appointed by the Sustainability Commission or Task Force members.

3.5. The Task Force Chair, once appointed, will be a member of the Sustainability Commission.

3.6. Members may remain on the Task Force as long as they are able and willing, up to four years, unless removed and replaced by the Sustainability Commission.

3.7. A Task Force member who misses two meetings without notice ceases to be a member of a Task Force.

3.8. The Sustainability Commission has the authority to remove Task Force members in accordance with the Sustainability Commission Principles and Protocols and dissolve a Task Force if it has completed its work or is non-functional.

4. Operations of the Committee:

4.1. The Community Economic Development Task Force will meet as often as is required to fulfill their duties, and will lead an accountable, participatory process, providing an opportunity for a broad cross-section of Rosslanders to participate.

4.2. Meeting Agendas will be prepared by the Task Force Chair.

4.3. The Chair is responsible for maintaining a record of the meeting and actions of the Task Force.

4.4. The Community Economic Development Task Force will operate on a consensus or majority vote decision-making model agreed upon by Task Force members.

4.5. Task Forces must function in accordance with the Sustainability Commission Principles and Protocols.

5. Authority:

5.1. The Task Force has the authority to make recommendations to the Sustainability Commission on anything related to the implementation of the Economic Development Focus Area as described in the Visions to Action Strategic Sustainability Plan.

5.2. The Task Force has the authority to host public meetings or receive delegations.

5.3. The Task Force does not have the authority to in debt the City to any financial commitments.

5.4. Task Forces have the authority to recommend changes to the Sustainability Commission with respect to the Task Force duties contained in their Terms of Reference.

The Sustainability Commission Communications Plan outlines how the Commission will communicate with the public and stakeholders, within the Commission and among Task Forces and with the City. It is a living document that will be updated as required.

I: Communications Focus

The primary focus of the Sustainability Commission Communications Plan will be to:

  1. a)  Promote the work of the Commission, Task Forces and City in executing the SSP.
  2. b)  Support the work of the Task Forces, Council and other parties that are contributing to the achievement of the goals of the SSP.
  3. c)  Engage the public, stakeholders, supporters (organizations and individuals) and those who we can support in their own efforts.
  4. d)  Ensure that transparent and open communications that characterized the Visions to Action process, remain a guiding principle of the Commission.
  5. e)  Ensure the Commission’s communications allows for opportunities to have others (i.e.the media, community members) write about and publicize the activities of the Commission, and opportunities for the Commission to frame its own message.

II: Communications with the Public and Stakeholders

Communications with the public and stakeholders will be managed through the use of the Commission’s website, newsletters, public events, media, presentations, and meetings and meeting minutes.

1) Website

  1. a)  Plan for new Visions t oAction website mid-2010,  with a more current content management system, allowing for easier updates.
    1. ii)  Task Force Sections (see below); andb)  Ensure the new website includes:
      iii) The Commission Newsletter with options to subscribe to the Newsletter electronically .
      iv)  Profiles of Task Force and Commission members and/or Sustainability Champions in the community;
  2. c)  Develop a section foreach Task Force on the website, which should includei) Task Force member list.
    ii) Task Force Terms of Reference.
    iii) The list of Strategic Actions the Task Force is responsible for.
    iv)  Links to documents and websites relating to the Task Force activities (allowing for storage of documents and links).
    v)  Task Force Updates–A paragraph or a few bullets after every meeting or every second meeting highlighting what the Task Force is undertaking. These messages should direct community members’ attention back to the Strategic Sustainability Plan, indicating the Strategic Actions the Task Force is working on.
  1. d)  Utilize the existingVisions to Action website as a stop-gap measure for 2009 with Task Force and Project updates added regularly.
  2. e)  Updates to the existing website and the planned new website should be sent to the Sustainability Commission Manager who will either update the site or forward it to a web manager.

2) Newsletter

  1. a)  Produce up to a maximum of six Commission Newsletters per year (tentatively scheduled to be produced at the end of every second month (May, July, September, November, January, March).
  2. b)  Newsletters should be two standard letter sized pages in length.
  3. c)  SubmissiondatesfortheNewslettertotheCommissionManagerwillbethe21stofeverymonth that a Newsletter is being produced.
  4. d)  Newsletters should include:i) Next Commission meeting dates.ii) Task Force Updates.
  5. e)  Other potential newsletter items to be included if there is sufficient space are:

i) Profiles of Commission members, Task Force members and Community Sustainability Champions.
ii) Top Ten things community members can do for sustainability.

f) Newsletters will be approved by a Newsletter Committee, comprised of two or three Commission members.

  1. 3)  Public Events
    1. a)  Commit to a minimum of four public events per year. One of these public events will be a general public update with regard to the Commission activities. The additional public events could include, but are not limited to:
      1. i)  Presentations by local experts, local sustainability groups or experts from outside the area.
      2. ii)  Public consultation events whereby input is sought on particular issues, Task Force recommendations or Sustainability Commission direction.
    2. b)  Utilize Rossland Telegraph and Bhubble to advertise events.
    3. c)  Prepare a Press Release in association with all Commission events to send out to all localmedia.
    4. d)  Ensure a photo is taken at all Commission events and sent to appropriate local media.
  2. 4)  Use of Media for General Updates/Engagementa) Ensure a Commission update is included in all City Newsletters if space is available.(The City has committed to 10 newsletters per year). To facilitate the production of theseupdates in a timely manner, the Sustainability Manager will prepare the update and send it out to all Commission members. Commission members are to respond within two days if they wish to suggest changes.
  1. b)  Encourage Commission or Task Force members to start sustainability blogs or forums on the Rossland Telegraph (once or twice a week). All blogs must be accompanied by a disclaimer that this is not the word of the Task Force, Commission, or City.
  2. c)  Encourage forms of informal community dialogue, such as surveys or a sustainability book corner in the Rossland Telegraph.
  3. d)  Prepare a Press Release in association with every second newsletter to send out to all local media, highlighting what the Commission is doing.
  4. e)  Allow Commission and Task Force members to be interviewed by local media without checking in with the Commission. In all interviews, Commission members must provide a disclaimer that their views are not the word of the Task Force, Commission, or City.
  5. f)  Encourage/facilitate journalists to write articles on the Commission and/or Task Forces.
  6. g)  Commit to regular posters and other visual media to be placed around town i.e. Ten things you can do for Sustainability.
  1. 5)  Presentations and Engagement of Outside Groups
    1. a)  Establish a small working group put together a Powerpoint presentation with a target completion date of April 2010. The presentation is intended to allow the Commission to promote itself and its initiatives. (Funders are interested in information dissemination and sharing. A prepared presentation will assist in meeting funding requirements and acquiring additional future funding. It also allows Task Force and Commission members to act as champions).
    2. b)  Ensure that several people on the Commission or Task Forces are qualified to give the presentation.
    3. c)  Advertise the presentation in the Newsletter and on the Website (i.e. groups interested in a Commission presentation, contact the Sustainability Commission Manager).
    4. d)  Target specific events that the Commission wishes to be part of (i.e.conferences,regional sustainability events) and utilize the option of presenting as a means of potentially reducing conference fees.
  2. 6)  Task Force Meetings and Meeting Notes
    1. a)  Public or community group attendance at Task Force meetings will be at the discretion of the Task Force members.
    2. b)  Keep Task Force notes informal in nature and limited in circulation to the Task Forces and Commission, except by request.
    3. c)  Consider developing short public circulation meeting notes outlining what was discussed in the meeting.
  3. 7)  Sustainability Commission Meetings
    1. a)  Maintain the Commission meeting schedule of meeting every third Thursday of every month.
    2. b)  Unless specifically closed by the Commission, regular Commission meetings are open to the public.

III: Communications among Commission and Task Force Members

1) Email

  1. a)  Ensure that within Task Forces, general discussions are cced to everyone on Task Force.
  2. b)  Ensure Task Force meeting notes are distributed to all Task Force members and cced tothe Sustainability Commission Manager and Chair.
  3. c)  Ensure Task Force meeting notices are cced to everyone on the Commission.
  4. d)  Ensure unnecessary previous messages are removed from email threads when forwarding within or beyond the Commission and Task Forces.
  5. e)  Utilize mail to handle some Commission decision points to move action items forward in an expedited manner between Commission meetings. However if an issue arises that requires more discussion, and cannot be resolved easily by email, it may have to be deferred to a meeting.

IV: Communications with the City

1) General

  1. a)  Ensure that Commission communication with the City is timely.
  2. b)  Circulate Sustainability Commission meeting minutes to Council and City Staff.
  3. c)  Request consideration from the City that some Sustainability Commission requests receive priority, including the inclusion of late agenda items.

2) Regular Updates

  1. a)  Commit to three of our updates to the City during Council as a Whole meetings to allow for a longer time slot (20 minutes). These updates could be made by Task Force Chairs or Commission members.
  2. b)  Communicate important issues that arise between updates to Council in a timely manner.