Visions to Action Inniative

Rossland’s Strategic Sustainabilty Plan (SSP) is centered around a Community Vision for 2030:

In 2030, Rossland is a resilient alpine community and a leader in balancing social, environmental, and economic sustainability. Celebrated for its unique cultural heritage, small-town charm and world-class natural amenities, Rossland offers residents and visitors alike extensive recreational opportunities, trail networks and green spaces.  The thriving, diverse economy embraces innovation and entrepreneurism, and its citizens actively contribute to a welcoming, vibrant community that is safe, inclusive and affordable.

The Strategic Sustainability Plan is the guiding document for the community’s sustainability initiatives and vision outlined on this site. It is intended to guide the actions of the City, Sustainability Commission, Task Forces and citizens of Rossland.

Strategic Sustainabiltiy Plan Focus Areas

Desired Future

The town is centered on a compact and vibrant downtown core, connected by trails and green corridors to development at the base of Red Mountain, Redstone Alpine Golf Resort and to new developments. A diverse range of residential and tourist accommodation exists that satisfy the needs of residents and visitors. Buildings and infrastructure are designed and restored in ways that use resources responsibly, and that compliment the natural environment, heritage and overall aesthetic of the town. The downtown core is thriving and the restored heritage character attracts visitors to Rossland.

Desired Future

Rossland’s spectacular setting in the alpine environment gives the community its unique character. Designated and protected green spaces, green corridors, riparian areas, and natural ecosystems allow indigenous flora and fauna to thrive. The build environment is also integrated into the natural environment through native tree plantings and ‘ribbons’ of green traversing the city and along stream corridors.  In addition, community gardens have been established, providing potential sites for growing local produce.

Desired Future

Rossland’s traditional natural resource economy has become increasingly value-added and exists alongside a year-round tourism and knowledge-based sector. Through collaborative actions across the wider region, residents have the capacity to find or create work opportunities and incomes to support sustainable lifestyles. The community works together to support local businesses and to encourage innovation, new businesses, and an entrepreneurial spirit. A diverse, resilient, and vibrant economic base is supported by state-of-the art information and communication technology (ICT) systems. ICT enables a significant number of residents to work from home or to expand their business through virtual networks. Sustainable business practices ensure the continued liveability of the region and contribute to the long-term survival and profitability of the business sector.

Desired Future

The town promotes and supports a healthy and active population and this is reinforced by a community that embraces a balance between work and play. Rossland is a unique destination for year-round outdoor alpine recreation. Residents and visitors of all ages and abilities engage in high quality, diverse recreational opportunities while respecting and protecting the surrounding natural environment. The conservation and sustainable use of green spaces and development and maintenance of an extensive network of multi-use trails connects both people and the community with nature. Accessible, well-maintained playing fields and indoor recreation facilities complement the range of outdoor experiences. The community hosts a number of arts and culture events.

Desired Future

Rossland has a sufficient supply of safe, healthy, diverse and affordable housing and accommodation to meet the needs of permanent residents of all income levels. Housing affordability is enhanced through efficient use of energy and resources and by designing buildings that can be adapted over time to accommodate different uses, changes in technology, and demographics. Employment opportunities close to home provide job satisfaction and adequate incomes for sustainable livelihoods. Residents have access to affordable food products, learning opportunities, and arts, culture, and recreation programs.

Desired Future

Rossland’s transportation system offers affordable, reliable, safe, accessible, frequent, green, and efficient means of moving within Rossland and to and from Rossland. The community’s livability is enhanced by an extensive local and regional trail network that supports non-motorized vehicles. Land use planning connects housing with services through trails and transit, thereby reducing automobile dependency. Rossland’s downtown core is accessible, pedestrian-friendly and linked to the resorts by a high quality public, equitably funded transit connection. The community encourages and supports low-impact environmentally-friendly transportation choices, thereby conserving the natural environment and increasing Rossland’s tourism appeal.

Desired Future

Rossland’s affordable and multi-faceted education system provides a diversity of programs and opportunities and an essential foundation for cultural and social activities. Local education facilities continue to provide access to affordable, high quality K-12 education and the development of basic life skills. Residents and local organizations work together to provide support and care for children, seniors and other populations with special needs. Community activities and programs encourage inter-generational interaction and enhance well being, while Rossland’s built environment and institutional structures encourage lifelong learning for every member of society.

Desired Future

Rossland is a safe, inclusive and welcoming community with a high level of social cohesion amongst a diversity of ages, cultures and lifestyles. The level of volunteerism is high and most year-round residents are engaged in governance and community development initiatives. Arts and cultural expression thrive in Rossland and are supported by both residents and visitors. Rossland’s natural environment and its heritage create a sense of place and an authentic small town charm that is unique to the region. It is this uniqueness that fosters pride and community spirit that serves to retain residents and to attract new residents and visitors.

Desired Future

The water resources in Rossland provide a dependable supply of clean, healthy water that exceeds quality requirements and meets the needs of residents, and visitors. Residents are active water custodians. Both the water and wastewater systems are sustainably managed to meet the needs of a growing community. Competing uses are balanced and natural hydrological systems as closely mimicked to meet natural ecosystem needs. Rossland is a leader in minimizing waste and maximizing recycling and reuse of resources and materials. Residents and businesses conserve resources in their daily activities.

Desired Future

Rossland’s affordable and multi-faceted education system provides a diversity of programs and opportunities and an essential foundation for cultural and social activities. Local education facilities continue to provide access to affordable, high quality K-12 education and the development of basic life skills. Residents and local organizations work together to provide support and care for children, seniors and other populations with special needs. Community activities and programs encourage inter-generational interaction and enhance well being, while Rossland’s built environment and institutional structures encourage lifelong learning for every member of society.

Desired Future

Governance in Rossland is democratic, responsive, accountable, transparent and actively engages stakeholders and residents in collaborative decision-making processes. Planning and decision-making align with the community’s values and sustainability objectives. Rossland participates in local and regional government networks that exchange knowledge and resources and collaborate to meet shared objectives through efficient regional governance.


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State of Rossland Reports

Ever wonder how your family’s water use compares to the Rossland average? Or how many kilometres of trails Rossland has compared to other resort municipalities? What about our average household electricity consumption? With the State of Rossland project you can find out!

The State of Rossland project is a long -term, monitoring project that measures Rossland’s progress towards its sustainability goals as outlined in the Strategic Sustainability Plan. Baseline data is gathered and published as the State of Rossland Report.

Download the State of Rossland Reports Below:

State of Rossland Report 2011

State of Rossland Report 2014-15

State of Rossland Report 2018

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